Health benefits of Athletic Biotuning™
Reactivates fallen metabolic and anabolic hormonal sensitivity and production
Increases protein synthesis and recovery ability, resulting in quicker restitution
Stimulates the use of ketones from stored body fat as main fuel source WITHOUT the sacrifice and inconvenience of a daily low-carb/high fat diet! = You can eat more of the food food you really like and get & stay lean!
Promotes a significantly healthier body composition; increased muscle mass/reduced fat mass/reduction of harmful visceral fat (internal belly fat)
Reducess insulin resistance and stabilizes blood sugar
Reduces general inflammation and boosts your immune system
Stimulates cognitive brain function and concentration
Improves sleep, mood and increases stress tolerance
Reduces harmful cholesterol (LDL)
Increases bone and ligament density - reduces the risk of fractures & joint injuries
Improves general health & longevity health biomarkers
Increased and significantly more stable energy supply
Activates renewal of aged and diseased cells through autophagy